Want to help our team?  See below for more information on how to sponsor or donate to our team!

Sponsor Our Team

More information coming soon.

Donate To Our League

Your donation helps us provide access to our team for all skaters, regardless of income.  We appreciate monetary donations, as well as donations of gear to ensure that our skaters continue to have access to safe and properly maintained helmets, skates, protective gear, and accessories. Please see our Amazon wishlist if you would like to purchase gear for our team. We also appreciate monetary donations to help fund our team. We thank you greatly for any generosity you are able to contribute. 

Donate To Our Rolling Raffle

Are you a business owner? Are you interested in helping our non-profit co-ed junior roller derby league? We need your help to raise funds to cover various expenses including rink rentals and new gear. The Thrashers are currently asking for donations in the form of merchandise and services that can be raffled off to raise funds.


Popular donation items include:

Gift cards  - Merchandise  - Services (e.g., haircuts, massages, gym memberships)
Event tickets  - Themed baskets


Our “rolling” raffle will provide a continuous flow of funds to our league, allowing us to cover necessary expenses such as rink rentals, gear, travel to and from bouts and provide help to our skaters by covering monthly dues, so that every child has the opportunity to enjoy our league. Monetary donations are also accepted. All business donations will get a shout out on our social media pages and advertisement for your sponsored raffle. Use our contact page to request more information.

Want to see more photos and updates?  Follow us on social media. 
